For those of you that ever did girl scouts you will remember the song we used to sing "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold!!!!" This was just a reminder to me of all the friends I have all across the world and how special each and everyone of you are!
This weekend my dear friend Shannon threw me a Surprise-Belated-Birthday-Scavenger-Bash! It was great! The day started with the first clue that led us to Shannon's house for a awesome lunch and the greatest part was it was just us girls!!! (more pictures to come)
This weekend my dear friend Shannon threw me a Surprise-Belated-Birthday-Scavenger-Bash! It was great! The day started with the first clue that led us to Shannon's house for a awesome lunch and the greatest part was it was just us girls!!! (more pictures to come)
Then came the second clue which led us to going to get a pedicure and manicure. What girl wouldn't want that!
Then the third clue led us to dinner with the rest of the gang... our husbands and kiddos.
It still went on to the last clue and destination being our house for yummy dessert and fellowship! It was a great day and just reminded me of how thankful we are for all our friends.